Aaronic Priesthood
First and Third Sundays:
Youth Sunday School (12-18)
Phone: 1-346-248-7799
Enter Meeting Id 889 6880 4497#
Enter # for Participant ID
Enter 1847 for Passcode
Second and Fourth Sundays:
Aaronic Priesthood
Phone: 1-346-248-7799
Enter Meeting Id 824 0570 9738#
Enter # for Participant ID
Enter 1847 for Passcode
Combined Fifth Sunday Meeting
Phone: 1-206 337 9723
Meeting ID: 856 1408 4814
Passcode: 791123
Aaronic Priesthood Presidency Meetings:
Priests Quorum Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82675516833?pwd=eEJDSUlqUGNObHpBY3BJZmNzU2xNUT09
Teachers Quorum Presidency Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81779616654?pwd=YUFaSHdqNkkrdU0rYlRXK0w4QXYxdz09
Deacons Quorum Presidency Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85474897277?pwd=OFVVeDBHMUNLK3hiTitVVXhsV2Q0QT09
Missionary Committee Zoom Meeting:
Temple & Family History Committee Zoom Meeting:
A note on the meeting links below. The Aaronic Priesthood presidency meetings can not be held at the same time between each quorum. This goes for the Young Women's presidency meetings as well. Each class or quorum will need to use their meeting link at a separate time (but it does not apply if for instance the deacons quorum meets at the same time as the 12-13 year YW. Only if the deacons meet at the same time as the teachers, etc.).